Application Modernization & Legacy Retirement

Application Modernization & Legacy Retirement

Reimagine and re-architect business processes and technology solutions with a backwards compatible approach to transform legacy systems. This modernization approach includes reengineering, retooling and a rollout plan to ensure complete retirement of legacy.

There are multiple ways to modernize apps and retire legacy including Encapsulate, Rehost, Re Architect, Replatform or Refactor. These are 4 common benefits of modernization:
IT Productivity increases by upto 30%, as complex bureaucracies associated with big projects are removed.
Defects and bugs are reduced by upto 60%, as updated, new technologies empower organizations to launch error-free applications.
The motivation of current and new employees increase by upto 40%, as talented employees are drawn in to use and learn newer technologies.
Go-to-market process and shipping of new products are faster by upto 60%, as the modern, optimized application is already market-ready.

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